Melanie Fiona Shares Greatest Advice Ever

Melanie-Fiona-The-Coveteur-1I love Melanie Fiona. Ever since I heard “You Stop My Heart” and “It Kills Me”  I knew there was something special about this chick. Although, most of her music makes me utterly depressed, she’s still one of my favorite R&B voices. In one of her latest interviews, Melanie talks to The Coveteur about her major career changes and reveals one of the best advice she (and I) has ever heard.

Catch the highlights below:

On her evolving her musical style:
“On my first album, the sound was reminiscent of retro soul, so my style was definitely more girly: pencil skirts, peplum dresses, et cetera. Since then, the vibe of the music has gotten more hip-hop and soul driven, and my life has become more spiritually driven, so my style definitely is more reflective of that. I don’t care as much about what people think style is ‘supposed’ to be… I don’t ever want to be confined to one look or image. I enjoy dressing for what makes me feel most comfortable and confident.”

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“Right now I’m in such a great place. The motto is ‘If it doesn’t make me happy, healthy, or creative, I’m not involved’. Staying on that path, I’ve been working on putting out free music for my fans, while I work on my third album. It’s a great way for me to work my inner artist and service the fans with music. I’m about to put a mini bundle of music called ‘Free Love’. I have a song out right now off that compilation called ‘Cold Piece’. In July, I was approached by Nike to be a part of their Women’s Marathon in San Francisco, this October. I was completely honored. It’s a great way for me to challenge myself in such a positive way, for such a important reason. I will be running for friend of mine who is battling cancer right now.”

melanieOn the best advice she’s ever received:
“It was [from] Roberta Flack. I met her one year during Grammy weekend in Los Angeles. She said ‘Always keep your head up. It’s the moment you look down, that you’ll trip and fall’. It rang true for me in so many ways, at so many times. Focusing on the negative is the worst possible idea any artist or public figure can do. It thrives on your spirit, and you can lose your way so easily. I would give aspiring artists the same advice. I would also tell them to do a lot of artist development and self-work before they decide to put themselves out there. In other words, decide what type of artist you want to be. Whether that means touring the world or singing at your local bar. Do what makes you happy.”

I couldn’t agree more sis.  See her pretty shots and read the entire interview on The Coveteur.

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