New Year, New You: 7 Ways to Refresh for 2015 — THE PURGE!

Kick those '14 habits to the curb! *Disclaimer: I do not own this art work. If you know the artist, let me know who it is!

Kick those ’14 habits to the curb! *Disclaimer: I do not own this art work. If you know the artist, let me know who it is!

I have to admit, I was dreading the new year. Something just felt incomplete about 2014; 2015 was on its way just way too soon. I think it’s because the new year fell in the middle of the week. I just partied with some friends over the weekend and now you’re telling me two days later I have to turn up again — and this time for New Year’s Eve?! Anyway, now that we are here, I feel ready — even more so now that I’ve purged and refreshed for this new batch of 365. As cringe-inducing as the “new year, new me” declarations are on Facebook, we really do need an annual fresh start.  It kicks our asses into gear and helps us reevaluate our goals, choices and situations. My resolution for the new year is the same as it is every year: lose weight, make more money, just be better. I’m sure yours is not much different.  However my main focus for this year is to bring about change — to my life and to the life of others.  So with every intention to change, I spent my last day of 2014 and my first two days of 2015 purging. Check out some easy ways to purge and reboot for the new year.

REORGANIZE YOUR LIVING SPACE: I changed everything. I read a little bit on Feng Shui and went with my intuition of how I wanted things placed. My bedroom was once very cluttered and not space-friendly. I now sleep in a wonderful, spacious, open room with my bed toward my window. Find a set-up that’s very peaceful and spacious. *Tip – This is a Jamaican superstition but nevertheless heed to this: Do not leave your bags or purses on the floor. Bags on the floor do not attract prosperity.

PURGE UNNEEDED, UNNECESSARY, UNWANTED THINGS: Love letters from your ex? Toss it. Birthday cards from folks you haven’t seen in years? Trash! I am the overly sentimental type who will hang on to old movie ticket stubs. If you’re like me, I understand how hard it is to let go. My sister, who is the master purger, taught me that if I haven’t thought about the item in a year, throw it away. I purged everything that I didn’t think about, truly care about and also (most importantly) did not service happiness. Purge everything that has anything remotely negative attached to it (photos, business cards, etc.).

MEDITATE: Once your space is clear, clear your mind. Sit in a quiet room — any room you spend most your time– and just reflect on everything from the past. What do you want for your future? What is on your heart? Manifest the positive energy you seek and pray on your desires. I did this just before the ball dropped.

VISION BOARD: I am a big fan of the vision board. I prefer to do mine on big posters, but feel free to express your vision in a diary or even on a digital space. Simply collect images, words, or small items that resonate with your goals and desires and place them on your board. Sometimes, I like to make a board for each area of my life that I want to see change in– love, career, health, finances, etc. Since I use a large poster for my vision boards, I place them over my bed so that they are constantly visible and inspiring.

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SMUDGE: I’ve just started smudging and I love it! Smudging is a Native American spiritual practice that is believed to ward off negative energy and purify your soul and surroundings. My sister got my some California white sage for my birthday (thanks sis!).  Before I performed my smudging ritual (it’s really not as dramatic as it sounds) I read these two insightful articles: The Proper Use of Smudging for Purification & Healing and Sage and Smudge. You simply light your sage wand and wave the smoke throughout the room in a thoughtful fashion. My mood definitely improved from this ritual. Plus, it smells nice!

UNPLUG: This is my favorite way to start my year (sometimes, even my week). Because the new year begins right after the busy holiday season, it’s common to feel overwhelmed by new challenges, new beginnings and the return to work. Give yourself at least a day of unplugged bliss. Read a book, take a walk, join that gym class, or just spend time with a loved one. The mental calm is the most purifying and peaceful way to start the new year right.

Hope these tips help! Wishing all of you a wonderful 2015 jam packed with opportunities, love, peace and laughter.

What are your “new year, new you” techniques? Leave in the comment section below!


(Editor’s Note: I do not own the artwork used in this article. If you are or if you know the artist of the piece, please notify me so that I can credit accordingly. Email Thanks!)

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